Eufintrade is well-known for their outstanding Palletizer system in Thailand
Our tailored made Palletizer can handle:
- Cartons
- Shrink pack (with or without tray*)
- Crate
- Bags (filled)
- Pail and Drum
Speed vary depending on the arrangement but generally start at 15 till 60 packs/ Min. The palletizer speed obviously also depends on several factors but mostly on the arrangement and number of the item on each layer and on the number of layers
Specifically, we have also designed Palletizers System in Thailand for Empty and Full cans that can achieve a rated speed of up to 4.8 layers /min (also depending on several factors such as the arrangement and number of the item on each layer and on the number of layers)
This Palletizer can also effectively handle Aerosol Can with special modification and set up of the original design with dedicated tools
(*) In case of packs without tray we can add a single arm column for the layer pad placement in between each layer

- Glass bottle palletizer and cold end line in Thailand
We can provide semiautomatic low speed palletizer for empty glass bottle equipped with Inflatable tube head and vacuum head that can handle a wide range of bottles and glass jar. These palletizers can be also completed with top frame applicator and eventually with Stretch Wrapper and Strapper (our suppliers manufactured equipment). Speed depend on the operator skill and can vary depending on the bottle arrangement and type of bottle/ layer separator.
For the bottle infeed to the palletizer if the local end user requires specifically a local production only, we can also manufacture cold end line starting from outfeed of Lehr oven. These includes accumulation table and the possibility to combine and connect any inspection machine. The Conveyor also combine with cullets conveyor tailored designed. These cold ends are always combined to the High speeds palletizer of our agency Zecchetti.
- Packs carton combiner/splitter
The machine combines or split into one or more lanes the carton or the trays by means of single independent bars pneumatically controlled and activated by a PLC (depending on what will be the function that is requested for each task)
- Low speed palletizer system in Thailand (3 Axis type)
Low speed semi-automatic and fully automatic Palletizer for Glass, PET or HDPE empty bottles, shrink tray and cartons.
Speed depend on the weight of each layer and normally is up to 12/15 cartons /minutes.
The machines frame is by 4 column and the pick-up head is designed according the type of bottles/cartons to be handled
We can equip each machine with an empty pallet feeder to render the system automatic